• Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Cow Notes – Joshua Conner Moon

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  • Cow Notes – Joshua Conner Moon

Josh was born in Florida in 1992. Although he has claimed to be born in 1990 it was revealed in the infodump Zedkissed posted shortly before being banned that Josh was born in 1992.

Josh claims his father left before he was born and that he had no contact with his father’s family. Josh says that his grandfather on his Mother’s side was his main male role model during these years. However this is contradicted by posts Josh made later claiming he was not close with any of his family and saw them at most once a year. This is just one of many inconsistencies in Josh’s story about himself.

Josh has an extremely turbulent relationship with his mother Candice whom he blames for much of his unpreparedness for life and inability to deal with the world. Some of this disdain is warranted due to his mother’s apparent partying and questionable taste in men(to say the least). At one point on the Blockland forum Josh mentions his mother’s friend giving him weed and getting him high while underage. However Josh continues to use this as a crutch and excuse long past any point where anyone could sympathize.

Josh was allowed access to a computer and the internet unsupervised from a very young age. He claims he was studying HTML from 8 years old. This quickly became an obsession for Josh and he lost interest with most other things that weren’t part of the internet very quickly. To illustrate this point Josh has told a story on MATI of a Christmas where he became so bored by his physical gifts from his relatives that he made them into an archway walking under it several times until asked to stop by his Mother. Josh says he didn’t care about IRL gifts since everything he wanted was on the internet.

Curiously Josh’s “gay phase” seems to have started around the same time as Josh has admitted his mother took him to a gay pride parade when he was 9. Josh does not state any firm dates though in many posts more recently he talks about this being a “phase” that ended when he was around 15.

This obsession with the internet has shaped how Josh views and interacts with the world and is the main factor behind his increasing detachment from real life. It also means that his life can be split up into eras by the main website he was posting to or working on at the time as everything aside from website drama becomes almost incidental for Josh.

When Josh was 18-19 he moved out of his mother Candice’s house and into a trailer with his friend’s family. This lines up roughly with the time where Candice was dating Andrew Denton who is the man who would burn down her house. Josh posts on blockland of Andrew not treating his Mother well but feeling powerless to stop it. Though Josh maintains this was a way of almost forcing himself into adulthood by purposely putting himself in a bad situation one has to wonder if he left due to Andrew’s prescence in his mother’s home.

During this time Josh worked at Whataburger which is something that gives him great pride to this day being the only real job he has ever worked. He claims that during this time he got his first girlfriend. On MATI he has spoke about this and said she was Asian with an overprotective Father who would call regularly whenever they were on dates and even had Josh’s phone number at the time. This doesn’t exactly present a prime situation for whoopie making so Josh’s claim that this is the girl he lost his V-card with is a little suspicious. I believe he was playing Halo Reach at the time.